HOLY CROSS CENTRE (located at No. 681, Lorong 1, Jalan Bayor Bukit, Tabuan Jaya, 93350 Kuching. Tel.: 082 363945) is open every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 9:30 am till 12:30 pm. Praying over and counseling will be done at the porch area. Closed on public holidays, major church feast days, or otherwise informed. The Holy Cross Ministry’s weekly Fellowship is held every Tuesday 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Sts. John & Lucy Conference Hall, Level 2, A.C.C.P.C. (except on public holidays).


WEEKLY MASS COLLECTION AND DONATIONS- Parishioners are encouraged to contribute weekly to help defray the Cathedral’s operations and maintenance cost.

Please make your donations via S Pay Global by scanning this QR code. Verify that the recipient is ‘St. Joseph’s Cathedral’ before confirming the transaction.


You may also drop your weekly donations into the big wooden Collection Boxes placed at the Cathedral entrances OR do online transfer or cash deposit to St. Joseph’s Cathedral Bank Account as follows:


Archbishop of Kuching Saint Josephs Cathedral

Maybank Bhd Account Number: 511038613081


PENITENTIAL SERVICES- Priest will be available to hear confessions half an hour before the Sunset and Sunday Masses at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Please maintain physical distancing and do not congregate at the area while waiting for your turn to make your confession.


Kindly adhere to the following SOP. Penitents are to:

Keep face mask on at all times.

Be well-prepared to make confession without undue delay.

Perform penance after returning to seat in the Church.

Bring own hand sanitiser.

NOVENA DEVOTION TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP is held on every Saturday at 5 pm before the 6 pm English Sunset Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral. All are welcome. Those attending only the Novena are to be seated at the loft opposite the Choir.

Parishioners can also submit your petition request or letter of thanksgiving through the google online form at https://forms.gle/oTqtZMQsr1hC5PDr6.






Zoom link



2:55 pm -

4:00 pm



Meeting ID: 861 7830 7498

Passcode: prayhour







DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION IN MANDARIN is held every Saturday, 3 pm at Mother Mary Prayer Room, 1st floor, Parish Centre. All are welcome!


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