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30 March 2025


Click below for PDF file:

Church Notice

Notis Gereja



Lenten Programme 2025

Eng | BM | 中文

THE SECOND COLLECTION this week is for the Archdiocesan Curia & Cathedral Pastoral Centre Operations & Maintenance Fund.



Daily Mass

Holy Hour

Carmelite Chapel

Mon - Sat, 7:00 am (Eng)

Friday, 7:30pm (Eng)

Weekday Chapel,

St. Joseph's Cathedral

Mon - Fri, 5:30 pm (Eng)










St. Joseph’s Cathedral


  6 pm




  -Car park in front of the Cathedral are RESERVED for cars ferrying elderly passengers, particularly those with special needs and those with walking difficulty.


  -After Mass, the back gate next to the Sarawak Club will be opened for cars to exit the Cathedral compound.



  7 am*






  9 am*






11 am*





  5 pm




Carmelite Chapel


  8 am




*Live-stream Mass.


Live-streaming websites

You can also join links for Masses from any other Catholic Churches.



Parishioners are reminded to show reverence to the Lord and consideration for others as follows. We seek your kind cooperation and understanding so that we can all worship comfortably as a Church:


-Please arrive early and be seated at least 10 minutes before Mass begins to avoid causing unnecessary interruption or distraction.


-The sacredness of the Eucharistic celebration urges all participants to dress appropriately when entering the Church for Holy Mass andmanifest the importance of what we are doing as a worshipping community.


-Wearing of face masks in Church is no longer mandatory but highly encouraged, especially in crowded and closed environment.


-Those sick with flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) are to exercise prudence and refrain from joining the congregation in Church.



S PAY GLOBAL / SARAWAK PAY QR CODE STICKERS on the church pews are made available for the convenience of our parishioners and also to facilitate weekend Mass collections. However, these stickers quite often need to be replaced because they were found partially torn or defaced. We appeal to parents not to let your young children play, tear or draw on these stickers.


  C.W.S. LENTEN APPEAL ENVELOPES & BOXES  are available at the Church entrances. Parishioners are encouraged to do charity and almsgiving during the Lenten season.


Parishioners may donate to C.W.S. via S Pay Global by scanning this QR code. Verify that the recipient is ‘Catholic Welfare Services’ before confirming the transaction.



Donations can also be made via online transfer or cash deposit to the following:


Catholic Welfare Services Council Sarawak

Maybank Bhd Account Number: 511234019806


Please contact or WhatsApp Ms. Angelina William Hp: 010-6581641 / Tel: 082-241407 once you have made the donation. Tax exemption receipts will be issued upon request.

JUBILEE YEAR OF HOPE 2025 - ARCHDIOCESE OF KUCHING PILGRIM’S PASSPORT are available at the Holy Door for parishioners and pilgrims visiting the Cathedral. The Pilgrim’s Passport is a prayer guide for pilgrims to record their visits to the various pilgrimage centres in the Archdiocese (using the stamp chop available). A Prayer Petition Box is available for pilgrims to submit their personal prayer intentions. Pilgrims are also encouraged to support the Cathedral via the Love Offering Box located at the main entrance (near the Holy Door).


GAZETTED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS- The Parish Office, SJC Counselling Centre, Library and History Gallery will be closed on Monday & Tuesday, 31 March & 1 April 2025. For sick calls during public holidays, holy days of obligation and after office hours, please call 016-8922633. During normal office hours, please call the Parish Office at 082-423424.


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