St. Paul said: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church.... This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the Church" (Eph 5:25, 32).
The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love, has been founded and endowed with its own special laws by the Creator. By its very nature it is ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children. Christ the Lord raised marriage between the baptized to the dignity of a sacrament. The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.
CCC 1659-1661
Important Guidelines
Preparation in the Catholic Church where at least one partner is a Catholic
Contact the Cathedral Parish Office
Report to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Office
Fix an Interview (Pre-Nuptial Inquiry) with a Priest of the Parish
Come for Pre-Nuptial Inquiry during office hours
Submit relevant JPN and Church documents
Confirm Date and Time of Wedding
Prepare yourselves spiritually
Pray & go to Mass together
Come for a Wedding Rehearsal
Be at the Cathedral on time for your wedding
AN IMPORTANT NOTE for you & your fiancé / fiancée
Attend a Marriage Preparation Course preferably SIX months before your planned wedding day. The Marriage Preparation Course Certificate is valid for THREE years only.
Call the Cathedral Parish Office to check whether the venue and date of your intended marriage is available, preferably SIX months in advance.
Do not print your invitation cards or fix your wedding day before consulting the Parish and clearing all Government and Church requirements.
All documents should be in order ONE month prior to your confirmed wedding date. Incomplete documents may result in cancellation of your wedding booking.
St. Joseph’s Cathedral Parish Office
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8 am – 12 noon
2 pm - 5 pm
8 am – 12 noon
Closed on Feast Day, Holy Days of Obligation & Public Holidays
Ground Floor of the Fathers’ house directly behind the Cathedral
Tel.: 082-423424 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN)
Simpang 3
Office Hours
1st Session
2nd Session
Monday – Thursday
8 am - 1 pm
2 pm - 5 pm
8 am - 11:45 am
2:15 pm - 5 pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays : 082-238317 / 238320
Ground Floor, Telekom Building, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93200 Kuching
Office Hours
Saturday – Thursday
8:30 am - 6:30 pm
7:30 pm - 9 pm
8:30 am - 11:45 pm
2:15 pm - 9 pm
Closed on Public Holidays : 082-258221 / 237932 / 239448
UTC Building, Jalan Bukit Mata Kuching , 93100 Kuching
There are two ways that marriages are registered with Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara.
Civil marriage and blessing are done simultaneously in Church by a priest registered with JPN as Assistant Registrar of Marriage (Penolong Pendaftar Perkahwinan).
To do this, go to Department of Marriage and Divorce (Bahagian Perkahwinan dan Penceraian) of the JPN Office and obtain JPN.KC02 Form.
Fill in JPN.KC02 Form section A, B and D.2.
Go to the Commissioner of Oath of your choice to get section D.2. endoresed. Minimal fee will be charged (RM4/-).
Go back to JPN Office to pay RM20/-. Retain the Official Receipt (Resit Rasmi).This endorsement together with the Official Receipt is only valid for SIX months prior to your actual date of marriage.
Fix an interview appointment with the Parish Office for both of you to meet the priest for a Pre-Nuptial Inquiry (2-6 months before your planned wedding day).
For Pre-Nuptial Inquiry, please bring the following documents for both of you:
The endorsed JPN.KC02 with the Official Receipt
Two (2) recent passport-sized photographs
Two (2) photocopies of your Identity Card (both sides)
Two (2) photocopies of your Birth Certificate
Two (2) photocopies of the Identity Card (both sides) of two witnesses (male & female), both Catholics, at least 21 years of age and not immediate family members (Please write down their Baptism names) [Note: We recommend that you find a Catholic couple, who can journey with you in your married life, to be your witnesses]
The original extract of your Baptism Certificate from the parish of Baptism – issued within the last SIX months and with the status “FREE TO MARRY” signed by the priest of that parish.
A photocopy of your Confirmation Certificate.
A photocopy of both your Pre-Marriage Course Certificate.
The original Statutory Declaration from the Commanding Officer where one party to the marriage is an Army or Police Personnel who is still in active service
The original Statutory Declaration by the Commissioner of Oath (e.g. in cases where “status” or “religion” is inaccurate based on JPN record).
Divorce Petition & Certificate of Making Decree Nisi Absolute (if any party involved is a Divorcee).
During your wedding service in the Church, the ‘DAFTAR PERKAHWINAN’ JPN.KC05 (Marriage Certificate) and a Family Record Book will be issued by the presiding priest.
Statutory Declaration Fee (pay to Commissioner of Oath)
Marriage Registration Fee (pay to JPN)
Love offering for Wedding Blessing
Love offering for usage of Parish Gallery for refreshment / lunch reception
Love offering for usage of Cathedral’s power supply for additional lightings
for taking photos / video shooting, etc.
Token ofappreciation for Choir, Readers, Commentators, Altar Servers,
Priest, Sacristans and those assisting in your Wedding Service
At your own discretion
Contribution to Church for use of the Cathedral / Chapel
This is in the event that the Civil Marriage Certificate (‘DAFTAR PERKAHWINAN’ JPN.KC05), is to be issued by JPN, and blessing of the Marriage is to take place at a later time in Church.
Go to ‘Bahagian Perkahwinan dan Penceraian’ of the JPN Office, obtain JPN.KC02 Form and do the necessary to comply with JPN requirement.
To register your civil marriage before the Magistrate, please bring the following documents for both of you:
The original copy of your Identity Card and Birth Certificate
A photocopy of your Identity Card and Birth Certificate
A recent passport-sized photograph
If you are from another country, you may need to bring along a legal certificate (i.e. Statutory Oath from your country’s Embassy/ Consulate) stating you are free to marry.
Once JPN has issued your Marriage Certificate (‘DAFTAR PERKAHWINAN’ JPN.KC05), proceed to fix an interview appointment with the Parish Office for both of you to meet the priest for a Pre-Nuptial Inquiry (2-6 months before your planned wedding day).
For Pre-Nuptial Inquiry, please bring the following documents for both of you:
The original and a photocopy of your ‘DAFTAR PERKAHWINAN’ JPN.KC05/KC07
A recent passport-sized photograph
A photocopy of your Identity Card(both sides)
A photocopy of your Birth Certificate
A photocopy of the Identity Cards (both sides) of two witnesses (male & female), both Catholics, at least 21 years of age and not immediate family members. [Note: We recommend that you find a Catholic couple, who can journey with you in your married life, to be your witnesses]
The original extract of your Baptism Certificate from the parish of Baptism – issued within the last SIX months and with the status “FREE TO MARRY” signed by the priest of that parish.
A photocopy of your Confirmation Certificate.
A photocopy of both your Pre-Marriage Course Certificates.
The original Statutory Declaration from the Commanding Officer where one party to the marriage is an Army or Police Personnel who is still in active service
The original Statutory Declaration by the Commissioner of Oath (e.g. in cases where “status” or “religion” is inaccurate based on JPN record).
Divorce Petition & Certificate of Making Decree Nisi Absolute (if any party involved is a Divorcee).
During your wedding service in the Church, a Family Record Book will be issued by the presiding priest.
Important Notes
DAYS / DATES TO AVOID (for your wedding) - All Sundays, Ash Wednesday, all Fridays during Lent, Holy Week, Easter Monday, Ascension Thursday, Assumption (15th Aug), All Saints’ Day (1st Nov), All Souls’ Day (2nd Nov) and 20th to 25th Dec. During Lent and Advent, it is recommended that weddings be celebrated in a moderate manner to maintain the spirit of the Seasons.
PARENTAL CONSENT (for MINORS) - If you are under 21 years old, your father (or mother, if father is deceased) must go with you to the Registrar’s Office to fill in Borang JPN.KC01B to endorse the parental consent of your marriage. For girls above 16 but below 18 years of age, permission is required from the Chief Minister through Borang JPN.KC01D.
MARRIAGE BANN (Notice of Marriage on Church Notice Board) - Your marriage bann will be
displayed at the Cathedral’s notice board for a period of 1 month before your actual wedding day.
Approach the Parish Office to make arrangement for:
Date and Time for wedding rehearsal.
Be punctual as this is done with other couples.
Liturgical assistance e.g. Choir, Reader, Commentator, etc.
Flowers and Decoration.
Booking of Parish Gallery for refreshment / lunch reception.
Marriage Booklets
The Cathedral provides sufficient copies of Rite of Marriage booklets for the common use. These booklets are NOT to be removed from the Church.
In the event that you would like to print your own Wedding Booklet, please contact the Parish Office for a soft copy. Email your draft copy to us at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Please send a hard copy to the presiding priest for vetting and approval, preferably ONE month before your planned wedding day.
Bridal Gown and Dress Code in the Church
Bridal gown should ideally cover shoulders fully and should not be too revealing (e.g. low cut or bare back). If so, a shawl is highly recommended.
This is also applicable for bridesmaid(s), witnesses, reader(s), commentator, etc. Dressing should be appropriate and decent.
Basic Guidelines in the Cathedral
Do not adjust the Cathedral’s in-house sound system.
No digital projection is permitted using the Cathedral’s in-house facility.
No confetti / flower petals are permitted inside and outside the Cathedral.
For Florist

Ensure that your appointed florist observe the following when decorating the Church.
Respect the sacredness of the Sanctuary - the raised floor around the Altar.
Do not use adhesive tape, staples, thumbtack or pins on the wooden pews. Instead, ribbons and flowers on stands are recommended.
Do not place flowers or any form of decorative item on the Altar.
Do not use helium balloons in the Cathedral.
For Photographers or Video Cameramen
Please remind your appointed photographers to observe the sacredness of the sanctuary.
At all times, do not step onto the Sanctuary – the raised floor around the Altar.
Use a telephoto lens instead.
Normal lens for shooting from front of the Sanctuary at the exchange of rings.
Normal lens for shooting at signing of the documents at the side table.
On your Wedding Day
Be punctual for your wedding service
Request that your non-Catholic guests attending the wedding service respect the sacredness of the Sanctuary / Cathedral and to switch off all hand phones.
Your appointed Commentator may need to remind the Congregation at your wedding Mass that Holy Communion are strictly for Catholics only.
After your wedding, you may take photos at the entrance of the Cathedral. Please be mindful of your time as there may be another wedding service following yours.
Revised: 6 Feb 2025