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EASTER RALLY (ER2018): “WITNESS | John 15:26-27” - The EMPOWERED Ministry invites all youths (age 13 years & above) to join ER2018 from 18 to 20 May 2018 at the A.C.C.P.C.. This ER features 3 conferences in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin running simultaneously; and a Celebration Concert on Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 7:30 pm.


Registration is available online at empoweredministry.org with early bird registration at RM60 until 15 April 2018. Thereafter, it will be at RM80 until 6 May 2018 and late registration at RM150. Celebration Concert Ticket is at RM10 for non-conference delegates, and FREE admission for children 12 years old and below. For further information, visit empoweredministry.org or contact Empowered Hotline: 014-694 5414. 
